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Jewellery care tips

Even the most expensive jewellery wears out and needs special care. The following tips will help you take the best possible care of each piece of jewellery.

  • Keep all your jewellery separate from each other. Jewellery can scratch each other or even chip more fragile stones. This also applies to pairs of earrings.
  • Going on a trip? Wrap each piece of jewellery in a separate fabric or put it in a cloth bag to protect it from damage.
  • We recommend removing your jewelry as it may be damaged when carrying a heavy bag, gardening, playing sports, or other activities.
  • Remove jewellery when applying cream, makeup, or hair care products, as precious metals can react to the substances in cosmetics.
  • Remove jewellery when going to the pool or cleaning the house as chemicals such as chlorine can damage jewellery.
  • Bring your jewellery bought to our salon every six months for a free preventive cleaning in the ultrasonic bath. This procedure takes just a few minutes, and your jewellery will shine like new!
  • If the jeweller finds that the jewellery has been damaged mechanically or by improper care, the guarantee for repair is void.